Pain with Sleeplessness
When pain causes sleeplessness, it may lead to additional health issues. Make sure to recommend an appropriate analgesic when patients have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep due to pain

Relief for Pain with Sleeplessness
Millions of Americans lose sleep due to pain. In fact, 36% have suffered from acute pain, according to the National Sleep Foundation.1
Pain can impact sleep by causing1:
Poor-quality sleep
Sleep loss
Increased stress
In a 2008 study, over half of people who suffer from osteoarthritis reported insomnia, insufficient sleep, or some other sleep problem.2

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1. National Sleep Foundation. Sleep and pain: summary of the 2015 Sleep in America Poll. Accessed March 29, 2023.
2. Allen KD, Renner JB, Devellis B, Helmick CG, Jordan JM. Osteoarthritis and sleep: the Johnston County Osteoarthritis Project. J Rheumatol. 2008;35(6):1102-1107.